Live Pterodactyls in Texas?

(KSN) According to the cryptozoology author Jonathan Whitcomb, on November 20, 2010, two eyewitnesses in the Dallas, Texas, area observed “a ropen or pterosaur” flying overhead. One witness said:

“. . . just happened to look up at the full moon to see what we at first thought
was a huge bird. However it was soo high in the sky there is no way it could
have been a bird of that size. It was extremely large, with a tail and a wing
span of around 20 feet.”

That was not the first reported sighting of a living pterosaur in Texas.

Brownsville, Texas, Sighting of 1995 (Texas pterosaur)

“[The flying creature] looked like a . . . tall man . . . [He] turned and I realized that this man didn’t have a face like a man at all!  I froze in fear trying to figure out what I was staring at . . . I was so scared . . . [it] stared right at me with its large black eyes and walked closer to me . . .  [The creature] somehow looked like a pterodactyl . . .  I ran into my house and slammed the sliding glass door behind me . . .”

Giant Flying Creature in Spain

In Barcelona and surrounding areas in Spain, in 1990, a large or giant flying creature was reported by a number of eyewitnesses. Now some cryptozoologists and others are trying to explain what happened.

(Cryptomundo) The twentieth anniversary of an unusual and highly original case within Spanish cryptozoology took place a few months ago. In June 1990, a giant bird decided to frighten—with its imposing presence and unpleasant crowing—a sizeable number of Barcelona’s residents. . . . According to eyewitness accounts, the bird ranged as far away as 100 kilometers distant from Barcelona. . . . with a wingspan of between 3 and 15 meters, making loud crowing sounds in three different tones, and whose membranous wings were reminiscent of a prehistoric pterodactyl.