Why is June 18th Special?

In 1429, Joan of Arc leads French soldiers in defeating the main English army at the Battle of Patay, turning the tide of the Hundred Years’ War.

In 1767, an English sea captain is the first European to reach Tahiti.

In 1812, the U.S. Congress declares war on the United Kingdom, starting the War of 1812.

In 1815, Napoleon loses the Battle of Waterloo.

In 1923, the first Checker Taxi appears on the streets.

In 1937, John D. Rockefeller IV is born (American politician)

In 1939, Lou Brock is born (American baseball player)

In 1942, Paul McCartney is born (musician with the Beatles)

In 1959, Ethel Barrymore dies (American actress)

In 1979, SALT II is signed by the United States and the Soviet Union.

In 1983, the astronaut Sally Ride becomes the first American woman in space.

Using the Same Bank Account for 98 Years

June Gregg, of Ohio, still uses the same bank account that her father opened for her when she was less than two years old. In other words, she had her present savings account opened in 1913, for June Gregg is 100 years old. It may be a record for bank customer loyalty.

(Yahoo News)

“That perked my ears up, because I was like, `1913?!'” said Doug Shoemaker, general manager of what’s now a Huntington National Bank branch in this community, 45 miles south of Columbus. The bank’s investigation found out that not only was it the same account, but also that the account number changed only once, when Columbus-based Huntington acquired the plainly-named Savings Bank in the early 1980s, Shoemaker said.