Nonextinct Pterosaurs in Australia

(In a Nutshell)

Pterosaur in Australia

Western Australia

“My husband and I both sighted a huge creature flying over a densely populated area, while we were out walking one night in Perth, Western Australia on the coastline around 10:30 pm . . . it had a long tail and a wingspan that we estimated at between 30-50 feet across . . . “This creature was huge and never in my life have I ever seen anything that remotely resembled it until I found a page on Pterosaurs.”

Southern Australia

“I live in Australia in the state of Victoria near the Dandenong Ranges about 25 klms east of Melbourne. I was standing outside about nine o’clock one night. It was full moon and very bright with a cloud bank to the south east extending to and over the Ranges. . . . I glanced to the south and [saw] . . . something flying that appeared to be at the height of light planes that fly around here . . . This thing was at least as large as a light plane, say a Cesna.  It was about 5 klms away and was lazily flapping it’s wings . . . It appeared to be lit up by the moonlight and shining as if it had no feathers.”

Titanic Launch Anniversary

One hundred years ago today, the Titanic was launched from Belfast, Ireland.


The passenger liner sank after hitting an iceberg on her maiden voyage from Southampton to New York in April 1912.

It took three years to build the RMS Titanic and just 62 seconds to complete the launch.

From Wikipedia:

The largest passenger steamship in the world, the Olympic-class RMS Titanic was owned by the White Star Line.

She set sail for New York City on 10 April 1912 with 2,223 people on board. The high casualty rate resulting from the sinking was due in part to the fact that, although complying with the regulations of the time, the ship carried lifeboats for only 1,178 people.

Pterosaur Sightings in Cuba

(KSN News) On May 3, 2011, Patty Carson reported her 1965 encounter with a strange flying creature at the Guantanamo Bay military station in Cuba, the same area where U. S. Marine Eskin Kuhn reported his encounter with two “pterodactyls” in 1971.

Two pterosaurs in Cuba, sketched by Eskin Kuhn, an eyewitness

Eskin Kuhn, 1971

In the words of the artist who sketched the two pterosaurs that he had observed in Cuba:

“It was a beautiful, clear summer day . . . most of the platoon was in the new barracks ‘hanging out.’ I was looking in the direction of the ocean when I saw an incredible sight. It mesmerized me! I saw two pterosaurs . . . flying together  . . . perhaps 100 feet [high], very close in range from where I was standing, so that I had a perfectly clear view of them.”


Patty Carson, 1965

“We were walking down near the boat yards, headed home. We lived at the end of the road, last house, by the radio tower We were walking through that scrub area, and suddenly it [the “pterodactyl”] sat up, as if it had been eating something or resting. . . . right in front of us about thirty feet away. . . . I looked at his [Eskin Kuhn’s] drawing, and if I had to make any changes I would make the tail maybe six inches shorter and the wings maybe 10% longer, maybe even 15%, but the proportions of the head are very good, and the body and the hind legs are exactly as I remember.”

Pterosaurs in Cuba (Kuhn’s 1971 sighting at Guantanamo Bay)

Jonathan Whitcomb interviewed Eskin Kuhn, in 2010, by telephone.” He had no warning I would call, which helped me to judge his credibility by asking him questions on the spot. He proved himself perfectly, giving no hint of any possibility of any hoax. So what did he experience that would cause anybody to doubt him? In 1971, at the Guantanamo Naval Base in Cuba, this U.S. Marine, in clear daylight and in close range, he saw two large long-tailed pterosaurs, each with a large head-crest.”